3-Year Strategy Goals:

This year 2019, has flown by with quite a bit of activity at the Waikato Pacific Business Network (WPBN) since our AGM in June. With an exceptional executive and secretariat support, we have hit the ground running with the development of the network’s strategy for the next 3 years with 4 key strategic goals (SG):

SG1 Demonstrate the value and offer of WPBN membership.
SG2 Facilitate access to business information and resources for our members.
SG3 Co-ordinate effective collaboration and participation with partners and stakeholders to realize Pacific business enterprise and economic development for the region.
SG4 Increase Pacific businesses and enterprises into growth sectors of the region to create     employment opportunities.
With just over 45 business members primarily located in Hamilton City, WPBN continues to grow and develop its membership giving good attention to Pacific business and enterprise data collation to ensure an authentic narrative of our Pasifika business landscape across the Waikato region. Stay tuned for the full 3-Year Strategy release in 2020.


Highlights of 2019:

Month Activity Strategic Goal
June WPBN AGM newly appointed Chair, Executive and Secretariat Support.
July WPBN, Pacific Business Trust and Te Waka begin to collectively
engage and discuss economic business development of potential
Pacific projects in the region.
SG3, SG4
August WPBN Member event in partnership with Deloitte:
Business Breakfast.
SG1, SG3
WPBN 3-year strategic plan completed. SG1-SG4
Sept WPBN Executives and invited guests meet with NZ Government Ministers *Hon. Minister Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development and * Hon. Fletcher Tabuteau, Undersecretary for Regional Economic Development and Foreign Affairs, NZ Government. SG3, SG4
WPBN member event in partnership with the Waikato Institute of Directors *‘What sport and recreational governance can teach us about inclusivity and diversity’ with Sir Michael Jones, IOD NZ CEO Kirsty Patterson and Waikato Rugby Union Board members Diane Halifax,
WPBN member event .
*Pre ABs vs Tonga Game: The Business of Sports with Dr Farah Palmer NZR Board and Inoke Afeaki Tonga Sports Council.
SG1, SG2, SG3

SG1, SG2, SG3

Nov WPBN join the Waikato Plan Strategic Partners Forum Group providing a Pasifika voice for business and economic development. SG2, SG3.
Dec WPBN Member event: Pre-Christmas Cheer
Samoan businesswoman Koko Café owner Cherylene Fatupaito shares her entrepreneurial story of Values and Faith alongside guest speaker Mayoress Paula Southgate speaking of HCC’s desire to support Pacific socio-economic developments for the City.
SG1, SG2, SG3

By: Rachel Afeaki

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