Another great week for the Waikato Pacific Business Network (WPBN) meeting with the team at New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) for the second time since last year.
Facilitated by WPBN’s Business Navigator, Teuila Maggof and teaming up with LM4 Group’s CEO Tjay Asiata, the team at Oyonnx: Melesisi Nonu – Accountant & Susanna Riley – Operations Coordinator, Tonga Robertson, Owner of NEST Interiors & Design & WPBN Executive Board Member, and Mefi Naufahu, the lead Pacific Advisor and Engagement for the Ministry of Education in Hamilton. We had a great meeting with Felicity Bollen, MFAT’s Director for Pacific Connections, Joe Fuavao, MFAT’s Senior Advisor for Pacific Connections, Jim Gao, MFAT’s Senior Policy Officer for the Pacific Regional Division, and Glynis Miller, Trade Commissioner for Pacific Trade Invest New Zealand.
The topics of discussion included potential trade and investment opportunities and what is available in terms of funding and resources for the Waikato region and abroad and for our Pacific business members. Together, the team at MFAT and Glynis Miller provided excellent advice and recommendations to WPBN and our Pacific business leaders, so that we can help create better opportunities for our members and Pacific people in the Waikato and the Pacific Islands, to achieve increased growth, stability and economic wellbeing.