The event began with our Chair, Rachel Afeaki, introducing the Waikato Pacific Business Network (WPBN) and how we are part of a village that works together to help achieve better economic outcomes for our communities in the Waikato.
We then facilitated a panel interview featuring Pele Tanuvasa, Chief Operating Officer for Safe365, our Business Navigator Teuila Maggof, and WPBN business member and owner of TJ Brothers Construction Ltd and Friendly Island Takeaway & Catering – Ana Lauhingoa.
The panel discussion was based on the hard work our businesses have achieved in terms of health and safety and business resilience. The highlight of the event was from Ana Lauhingoa who recently achieved the Safe 365 Totika Health and Safety prequalification on behalf of TJ Brothers Construction Ltd for category 2. Ana specified that the process was difficult, but with the help of WPBN, Safe365, and Oyonnx, she achieved an important milestone for her business. For this reason she is now ready to engage in bigger projects for TJ Brothers Construction. Well done!

We acknowledge and appreciate the presence of everyone that attended our event and we are looking very forward to sharing our upcoming events and workshops soon. Stay tuned for more updates!