6th September 2024
“When times are rough for businesses, you need a strong support network. There is help available!”
We had another fantastic evening at last night’s event! Thank you to everyone who attended and to our amazing MC, Riki Manarangi, for keeping everyone well engaged and entertained. There was a wonderful mix of questions and conversations flowing from the audience, including several top professionals who were able to share their expertise on topics relating to this current economic climate.
The Network organized this event to share and connect our businesses and communities with key people so that they can learn the best ways to control what they can in this present economic climate. What does that mean?
Doug Wilson, Partner at Deloitte, stated clearly that this year has been one of the most difficult periods in history. In times like this you need to be focused on what you can control. You can’t control the cycle we’re in, you can’t control inflation, the cost of living, or the rising unemployment rate. You can, however, manage certain aspects, such as building resilience, having the right mindset to stay the course by adapting to see what works for your business in this climate, having a strong support network to help you, keeping in budget, and coming up with a 3-year growth cycle plan that keeps you in survival mode. Cash is King!
Speaking on behalf of many New Zealand businesses feeling the heat, Jourdan Lee from Waikato Shutters & Blinds said he’s done and is doing exactly what Doug pointed out. The top of his priority list are his employees and keeping the communication flowing for them. He also mentioned how marketing is often overlooked in budgets during difficult times, even though marketing is what keeps a business known in the market. Businesses can not afford to let go of their marketing strategies, both digitally and in person. He touched on operating assets, if there are better deals out there – change your suppliers and service delivery and sometimes you just have to change your game plan to keep the clients happy. Having the right cashflow, budget and a positive mindset is essential to keeping his business flowing.
Rachel Afeaki, WPBN’s Chairperson, spoke on the Network’s role and responsibilities in assisting and supporting businesses in the Waikato and in this current economy. With the bulk of our Pacific businesses serving the food and construction industries, there is no better time for them to focus on improving their capability uplift, such as health and safety compliance, which is precisely what the Network has been doing. With the construction sector currently experiencing the most difficult circumstances, it is one of the Network’s key objectives to continue hosting events like last night so that businesses can have these conversations, express their views and challenges, and learn how to overcome them.
Thanks again to our speakers, Pastor Lusia Solo and also to our attendees. We can’t wait to host our next event.