The Annual General Meeting 2020 saw a great turnout from current and new members across Waikato, as we recapped the events, COVID19 business response, new partnerships and focus moving forward over the last financial year.

Following the June AGM 2019, the network hit the ground running and invited our members to join us for a Strategic Business Breakfast session to collectively shape the WPBN’s priorities for the next three years.

The Four Strategic Priorities as decided by our members were:

  1. Demonstrate the value and offer of WPBN’s membership
  2. Facilitate access to business information and resources for our members
  3. Co-ordinate effective collaboration and participation with partners and stakeholders to realise Pacific business enterprise and economic development for the region and
  4. Increase Pacific businesses ad enterprises into growth sectors of the region to create employment opportunities


Following those key turn points, WPBN initiated conversations in July 2019 between the Pacific Business Trust and Te Waka to better understand the current platform and opportunities for Pacific businesses and economic development in the Waikato region. And engage in collating a unified Waikato Pacific Strategy for all for the next 10 years.

A key milestone achieved this financial year is the newly signed Memorandum of Understanding between the WPBN and the Pacific Business Trust – working together to build, promote and sustain Pacific businesses, and develop and assist Pacific professionals, in the Waikato region through events, workshops and tailored business specific assistance.

The year saw an increase in events and workshops, specifically online webinars due to the new COVID19 working environment compared to the year before. Where workshops focused heavily on navigating business support available, building internal capabilities and COVID business response to remain agile in the current market.

We also saw more engagement from local council, government ministries and economic development agencies. With future initiatives focused on social procurement, launching a unified Waikato Pacific Strategy by the end of 2020 and really leveraging our new partnership with PBT for the Waikato.

The event finished with a Panel discussion from five Industry Experts from key area’s including housing, labour market, education, construction and the provincial growth unit. Where they discussed the new COVID19 economic working environment, and how to drive and sustain your business or professional development moving forward.

Overall, the AGM 2020 was informative and promising for the growth and future prosperity of all Pacific Businesses in the Waikato region.

Please read the below links for more detailed information:

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